Anydesk for mac book
Anydesk for mac book

anydesk for mac book

This option helps prevent any unauthorized access to your remote desktop, ensuring its privacy. Keeping up to provide secure access, the ' Lock' feature of RemotePC lets you lock your remote computer during an ongoing session or immediately after the session ends. Key, a unique password set for each computer, acts as an extra layer of protection. RemotePC uses TLS v 1.2/AES-256 encryption for transferring the data between distant and local computers. RemotePC offers secure remote access with a host of features designed for a seamless experience. The device that I am frequently connecting to is a Windows machine running 1000/1000Mbps gigabit fiber.RemotePC ™ ensures secure access to remote computers

anydesk for mac book

Every now and then the connection will seem great, but it's usually short lived. I've tried disabling any antivirus and firewalls, but nothing helps. I've tried various versions (High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina, and Big Sur, and I'm using the current version of AnyDesk. The thing is, the internet is fine on the iMac, it's just AnyDesk. I have gone through so much troubleshooting regarding "slow internet" on iMacs, and have tried just about everything. Even on WiFi getting about 230Mbps on the laptop, it is still more responsive than the iMac getting almost 500/500 over ethernet.

anydesk for mac book

For comparison, if I connect a laptop using the same cable (so the only variable is the device), the connection speed is the same but AnyDesk is much more responsive. The connection speed on the iMac is showing about 450-500Mbps (up/down) and is a fiber connection, so that shouldn't be the issue. I never had an issue with connection speed on the Windows Devices, regardless if they are hardwired or on WiFi, however the speeds are usually noticeably slower on the iMacs (I've tried several different ones, even different models, both hardwired and on WiFi. I'm experiencing something that I cannot decipher the cause, but I use AnyDesk on both an iMac (late 2017) and various Windows devices, ranging from very powerful PCs to 10 year old laptops.

Anydesk for mac book