World at war call of duty
World at war call of duty

Seven months later, Roebuck, Polonsky, and Miller take part in the invasion of Okinawa. Miller and the Marines then secure Peleliu Airfield and crush the remaining Japanese forces. However, in the final stage of taking the beach defenses, Sullivan is killed by a Banzai Charger with Roebuck being promoted to Sergeant. Miller, Sullivan, Roebuck, teen recruit Polonsky and elements of the 1st Marine Division storm the white beach of Peleliu Island to make way for Allied forces. Years later, they fought at Cape Gloucester in late 1943 to early 1944, as seen in the cutscene after Semper Fi. However, Miller is knocked to the ground by an explosion and is attacked by a Japanese soldier but is saved by Sullivan and is dragged onto a boat. Miller and the Marines damage the Japanese forces stationed on Makin Atoll and move to the extraction point. Before the Japanese could execute Miller, he was rescued by Corporal Roebuck, Sergeant Tom Sullivan, and other Marine Raiders when Roebuck impales Miller's assailant in the back with his knife and Sullivan strangles the Japanese officer. Pyle have his throat slit by a boot knife after he spat at a Japanese Officer's face. Prior to that, Miller was part of a Marine Raider team that landed on Makin Island and was captured by Japanese forces and brought to the Japanese base.

world at war call of duty

Miller is first seen in-game on Makin Atoll in a Japanese base. Miller, along with Roebuck and Sullivan, fought in Guadalcanal in September 1942 - January 1943, as seen in the cutscene for Semper Fi.

World at war call of duty